Everywhere around you, people decry their persistent lack of money. Many are seeking financial break through in hope.
Yet there is so much money around, but we do not seem to see it.
This persistent interplay of scarcity and an environment of abundance leaves me wondering whether money is really the problem.
Many cannot see money that they are not skilled to produce let alone managing it.
Far too many people in the world today overvalue talent and celebrity, and they sure have their good reasons.
However, my own account for this is no more than the money they are perceived to procure by their status. Will they keep it?
When successful people like the Facebook ace, Mark Zuckerberg or Lionel Messi getthe recognition they deserve, often what is not recognised is the hours, days, weeks and sometimes years of extremely hard work, dedication, and persistence that got them to the point of recognition.
There are two issues interplaying in this —a simple feasible idea and persistence.
A simple idea that can be turned into cash flow, and the persistence to learn and to master how to turn the first cash flow into more streams.
My humble financial literacy coach, told me, that money is an idea, take yours and turn it into cash flow.
It will take time and dedication to horn the skills for making and keeping money.
Persistence may not be glamorous, but it sure gets the job done!
Think of every super-talented successful person, like Michael Jackson, Will Smith and even our own Ndambuki aka Mwalimu Kinga’ngi whoever strikes a chord with you.
These guys have put plenty of time doing their thing, but first they chose the idea.
They clearly discerned a need in the society and did not let fear of failure take control of them.
In fact fear to fail made Michael Jackson work unusually hard at getting his skills right.
Newt Gingrich once defined persistence as “the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.”
A good idea alone is not good enough. It is not going to happen by some kind of magic, it is going to take effort, training and practice no matter how talented we are.
Yet most people around are looking for this elusive money, where they won’t find it.
It is the bias for taking action, not talent that separates successful people from failures.
Success is nothing more than a little effort repeated and improved everyday.
Many people give up when they are so close to achieving success.
Many such people are sad and frustrated, because they have given up on themselves and their dreams.
If only they understood the power of persistence, they would learn the refining power that translates dreams into reality!
Mastering money comes from mastering an idea through time.
The person who has what it takes to be persistent is the person who really wants to take action and always finds a way, where others find excuses.
It is human nature to look for excuses to justify failure, rather than dig deep when times are tough and do what you have got to do to get what you really want.
Excuses never got the job done.
When you are financially literate you have the ability to use knowledge, skill and confidence to make responsible financial decision.
Financial literacy is vitally important in the information age, a time of lightning-quick change, fewer guarantees, and more opportunities.
Time and chance present many opportunities in this era, but only the people who have the persisted and mastered their money ideas are ready to exploit them.
The power is in your hands. It is up to you to decide whether you won’t have enough or you will have too much.
The book of proverbs reminds us to go to the ant, observe its way and be wise.
This little animal knows something about producing and saving for the future.